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Annotated Cases
My ID Images

My ID Images

My ID Images is where you can create and view your personal collections, access your favorites case list, and manage your account details.
Figure 1. My ID Images

Collections are a way to save groups of cases for convenient access. To create a collection, go to
My ID Images and click "Add a new collection" (Figure 2). Collections can only be viewed by the user who created them.
Figure 2. Create a collection

To add a case to a collection, open the case and click "Add to Collection" in the toolbar on the right (Figure 2). You can also add a case to a collection directly from search results or browse pages.
Figure 3. Add a case to a collection.

Your Favorites case list is a simple way to save cases for later viewing. To add a case as a favorite, click "Add to Favorites" in search results (Figure 4), browse pages, and in the toolbar on the right side of the case window .
Figure 4. Add a case to your favorites list.

You can change your password and adjust your account preferences in the Account Options tab.

If you prefer to view cases in a "single-page" view (rather than a tabbed view), you can adjust this preference at the bottom of the User Information section. (see Figure 5)
Figure 5. Show cases in "single page" view by default

If you have any questions, suggestions, or other feedback please contact us.